This was posted by the landlord of the recently closed See's Candy on Polk between Sacramento and California. He was obviously more than a little pissed at people who were vaguely connected to this chain, but kudos to the owner for standing up for what he believes, even if it's in comprehensible at times.

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Headline: Da 9-11 Truth Campaign to End 61 Years of Mass Murder and Plunder for Fascist Gain by Shock and Shame. March 8, 2009, Abuse News #4055 by John Jenkel, 'da 9-11 Bounty Hunter, 800-500-7083,
Bye Bye, Buffett
Your favorite candy store is gone. The property owner will not do business with people like Warren Buffett who maintain unconstitutional wars for profit. After 9-11, See's Candyman Buffett made a killing selling terrorist act insurance for terrorism that never happen except on this author's horse farm in Sonoma County. Bad Boy Buffett and every member of Congress know that the secret controlled demolitions of the Twin Towers were Enron-sponsored organize crimes designed to look like terrorist acts in an insurance scam perpetrated by World Trade Center principal Larry Silverstein and investor Lloyd Goldman.
'Da See's Candyman was the top Enron speculator. The Enron-sponsored attacks on the Twin Towers were also designed to look like acts of war in order to justify a United States invasion of Afghanistan for Communist China and Japan. United States Energy Czar Dick Cheney was probably the intended target. There were 2,629 accidental NY murders that were not planned by probably planner, desperate Enron builder Ken Lay.
Energy Czar Cheney was, and still is, blocking the trans-Afgnan[sic] pipeline for delivery of Caspian natural gas and oil over the sacred Hindu Kus Mountains to Communist China and to Pakistan for Japan. 9-11 attempted wife killer George w. Bush bowed to Cheney. Equivocator Barack Obama bows to Communist China and Japan. The fool should bow to Michelle Obama. She will probably end up leaving him like Lovely Librarian Laura Bush left Bad Boy Born-again Bush.
The U.S. keeps the truth baout the Enron-sponsored crimes of 9-11 and spending 40% of our tax dollars on mass murder in
unconstitutional wars of congressional choice, NEVER necessity, from we the betrayed people. If you would like to help srpead truth from this office at 1519 Polk Street in the heart of San Francisco, please call 800-500-7083. In any case, stay tuned.