Great reference to the fighting giraffes, btw. That's one of my all time favorite acts of animal violence.
(thanks Presufer)
A random collection of videos, posts, and unexplainable intertron phenomena, but with all the crap filtered out.
(thanks Today and Tomorrow)
BILL MOYERS: But you're saying our system became a Ponzi scheme.
WILLIAM K. BLACK: Our system...
BILL MOYERS: Our financial system...
WILLIAM K. BLACK: Became a Ponzi scheme.
WILLIAM K. BLACK: ...we don't want to change the bankers, because if we do, if we put honest people in, who didn't cause the problem, their first job would be to find the scope of the problem. And that would destroy the cover up.
BILL MOYERS: The cover up?
WILLIAM K. BLACK: Sure. The cover up.
"It is not necessary to hope in order to persevere."